"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."
~ Oprah Winfrey

"Suzie gracefully held healing, safe space for me to focus on myself and the life I envision. It felt so good to be supported by her nurturing, positive energy--I was able to relax and let go of negative self-talk about my future and step fully into the reality that I possess everything I need to create a life I love. ...And to be able to connect with motivated, self-aware, interesting, kind women was very nurturing and inspiring. I was so inspired by our afternoon of artistic endeavor that I took it home and have integrated creativity and freeform self-expression back into our family culture!  It was exactly what I needed. " ~Catherine Diaz, Aim True Editorial


  • A water blessing for intention setting

  • Intuitive collaging

  • Art show & storytelling time

  • Letting go burning ceremony

  • A take-home visual representation of what compels your soul

* Please bring 3 magazines you'd like to use to collage and share with the community

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