A shift in perspective can change the course of one’s universe.

Are you inspired to explore your spiritual life, master your mental universe, and experience heart-opening awareness, within a safe and healing space?

We all carry karmic wounds, traumas, and negative energy imbalances at different intensities that can be used to either serve or sabotage our healing journeys. This impacts our ability to cultivate healing relationships with ourselves, our loved ones, and the people in our lives.

The holistic healing powers of spirituality (inner presence, light beingness, wholeness) will transform your relationships, personal and professional life, and well-being from the inside out.

Soul ZEN Sessions get to the heart of your painful circumstances by creating safe and healing spaces to discover and freely express your inner self.

  • Feel deeply seen, heard, affirmed, and honored for who you truly are.

  • Discover hidden aspects of your authentic self.

  • Simultaneously, you’ll let go of the roots of inner resistance that no longer serve you for good.

  • Receive divine guidance, empowering wisdom, exquisite spiritual self-healing practices, and resources for clarity, blessings, breakthroughs, epiphanies, and miraculous living.



  • Ask Your Questions

  • Receive Your Blessings

  • Discover Your Hidden Divine Gifts


  • Senses

  • Perception

  • Instincts

  • Resolution

  • Intuition

  • Transformation


Inspiring You To Take Courageous Actions That Reveal The Destiny Of Your Soul

2020 Red Carpet diana howes & suzie sandoval at the premiere of lewis hOwes greatness DoCumeNtary

agape international spirtual center & choir, michael beckwith, marianne lewis, suzie sandoval, saban theatre beverly hills, “Dreaming out loud” singing in the choir

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SOUL ZEN Transformational Healing Sessions With Suzie

  • ALCHEMY MEDITATIONS: Discover your favorite forms of meditation. Experience profoundly personalized visualizations, meditations, mantras, and breathing exercises as specific remedies to best serve your unique needs.

  • ALIGN WITH YOUR DIVINE DESTINY: Eradicate past life karma with awareness and atonement to align with your highest potential future possibilities according to your soul lessons, divine relationships (spiritual assignments), and soul contracts.

  • AWAKEN TO YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF: Receive messages specific to your soul journey from your higher conscious self. Learn how to communicate with your spiritual dream team with active listening, storytelling, symbolism, synchronicities, dreamwork, and your inner hero archetypes.

  • EXQUISITE SOUL CARE: Create consistent practices to cultivate inner peace despite any outside chaos, stress, or trauma triggers arising in your life.

  • CHAKRA ATTUNEMENT: Learn how to listen deeply to the wisdom of your body (your subconscious self) and identify your Chakra powers. Acquire wisdom from your physical pain, illness, and dis-ease to self-heal.

  • WHOLE SELF INTEGRATION: Reclaim missing aspects of your whole divine self. Learn how to harmonize your divine feminine and sacred masculine energies. Connect, comfort, and play with your inner child. Create a vibrant internal life and well-being utilizing your innate brilliance. Allow yourself to dream beyond your imagination. Dream out loud. Give yourself permission to discover Epic treasures hidden deep inside your heart. Illuminate your radiance. Embody divine love, experience sacred intimacy, and liberate your authentic self for transformational healing. Be open to receiving blessings and miracles in your life.


Honesty heals. A devotional commitment to be radically honest with source, self, loved ones, and others. When we heal one relationship it heals aspects of all others.



“I write this testimonial while buzzing with love, compassion and energy for what Suzie has taught me. Suzie is enabling my evolution. I had a call with her earlier today where we discussed a tool for creating space for others. I tried it on a call immediately after. I am wowed beyond belief at the impact it had on myself and the individual that I tried it with. Real connection on a deep level that I have never experienced before all because of my work with Suzie and her tools and resources. It has brought a whole new meaning to the idea of seeing myself in others and them in me—creating a sense of connection and lightness like never before. It all started with the physical clutter and has become so much more than that. Thank you Suzie for all that you do. You are miraculous and I am so lucky to have you as a guide on my path.” ~ Megan Bauer, Nike Researcher

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“I can't say enough wonderful things about Suzie and the amazing work that Soul ZEN provides. Suzie truly cares about the well being, growth, and healing of our personal journeys. Her heart is so pure, she is woman of integrity and has such compassion for people. There is so much heart and truth behind her knowledge! Then there is the inner work that Soul ZEN stretches you to. It allows you to express yourself in a safe place and even learn things about yourself that you didn't even know needed to surface.  It's a rewarding and refreshing experience and I feel so blessed that God brought me to it. Thank you Suzie!”  ~ Ana N., Mama healing trauma


Create Your Soul ZEN Cards

To divinely guide and support you at any stage of life and your soul journey.

communicate on soul levels with your loved ones

communicate on soul levels with your loved ones

  • CREATE visions of your future

  • DISCOVER hidden aspects of your authentic self

  • EVOLVE into who you aspire to be

"The cards tell a story. They help us move through areas of our lives that are blocking freedom of expression, both internally and to the world." ~ Lynn D, Soul ZEN Experiences

With each new card you create, you will set a powerful intention that will provide you with divine messages, insights, and newfound awareness of the aspects of yourself that are blocking manifestation.

Experience is not required. Openness, trust, and imagination are encouraged. 


  • Wellness Retreats

  • Moon Ceremonies

  • Birthdays & Celebrations




 “Where divine love is inspired miracles happen.”

~ Suzie, A Student of A Course In Miracles


Soul MASTERY FOR Inner peace, Harmony, & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Chakra shack laguna beach


 "The longest journey you'll ever take is from your head to your heart."

~ Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey


Create your Vision board Then dream out loud

Create your Vision board Then dream out loud



exercise your imagination beyond limited thinking with iNspiration, creativity, and COLLABORATIVE commuNity.

exercise your imagination beyond limited thinking with iNspiration, creativity, and COLLABORATIVE commuNity.

Soul ZEN is the most unique, eye opening, and relevant method of self- inquiry that I have ever experienced. Suzie masterfully and patiently guides you through this powerful work without judgment or pressure. I believe the applications for Soul ZEN are limitless! It has helped me to ask myself the right questions, and gives me a perspective into my life and my heart that I have never before experienced. It feels better than therapy and deeper than a conversation with your closest friend. It is compatible with any faith, and you will crave coming back again and again for more Soul ZEN experiences. That’s what Soul ZEN is- an experience that will provide long lasting insight into your heart’s desires and fears, and can help you transform the areas in your life that you are seeking balance and power in.
— Kara W.
communicate on a soul levels with your loved ones.

communicate on a soul levels with your loved ones.

Facilitating a Soul zen workshop in collaboration with empowering grace retreats For MOTHERS WHO have LOST CHILDREN TO CANCER.

Facilitating a Soul zen workshop in collaboration with empowering grace retreats For MOTHERS WHO have LOST CHILDREN TO CANCER.

Reawaken the spark of creativity within as you take a journey along your Soul’s inner pathways. Soul ZEN is a deeply personal, yet extremely fun and practical tool for personal growth. Suzie is a wonderful instructor; her enthusiasm and compassion truly shines from within as she guides others along this journey of self-awareness. I love everything about Soul ZEN; the process, the creation, the manifestation of the cards themselves. I love them because they were created for me, by me. I use them every day; I am truly grateful for the insights that my cards help to bring into my conscious awareness. Thank you, Suzie, for sharing your gifts and talents with others! Keep spreading the Light!
— Melissa W.
Play with art and connect wiTh your heaRt and superconscious mind.

Play with art and connect wiTh your heaRt and superconscious mind.

Soul ZEN is a catalyst to uncover hidden fears and resistance keeping us from taking the risks necessary to get "unstuck" from our ruts. I was surprised to discover some photos gave me an instant "negative" feeling. These were the ones I knew I needed to learn from. The cards tell a story. They help us move through areas of our lives that are blocking freedom of expression, both internally and to the world. As we grow, so do the cards we create. Thank you for this uplifting and fun way to express new paradigms." ~ Lynn D




In October 2011 I volunteered as the Event Coordinator for The Blind Cafe, a dinner and concert in the absolute pitch dark. This experience was an opportunity to let go of visual conditioning, social cues, and facing the darkness by being the light.


discover wisdom from deep within your sUBcoNscious Self.

discover wisdom from deep within your sUBcoNscious Self.

express your Artistic soulful self while sharinG your drEams and visions for deeper self awareness and higher consciousness.

express your Artistic soulful self while sharinG your drEams and visions for deeper self awareness and higher consciousness.

Dress for succEss AMBASSADOR And speaker Facilitating a soul zen workshop. Creating new Visions for infinite possiBilities as women and mothers learn how to rebuild their lIves After experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

Dress for succEss AMBASSADOR And speaker Facilitating a soul zen workshop. Creating new Visions for infinite possiBilities as women and mothers LEARNING how to rebuild their lIves After experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

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Creating Healing Spaces To Feel safe, seen, heard, deeply affirmed, and valued in your personal and professional relationships







2020 Vibin’ with matthew hussey

Heal grief, trauma, and addictions to experience joyful, self-healing, secure, interdependent relationships.

2020 Diana howes & suzie q



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Dear Suzie,

I am writing to you to express my delight after spending a wonderful session with you doing SoulZEN. My girls and I had an amazing time. Not only was the experience enlightening, it was a great bonding moment for us.

Suzie, it is so obvious that you have a natural ability to connect with people and help them to embrace their inner power. Your enthusiasm is contagious and being around you is always uplifting. Soul ZEN is a perfect avenue for you to let those gifts shine through.

I wish you well with all of your endeavors to help people through the process of channeling their personal Zen. Your passion and dedication will undoubtedly take you where you need to go to do the most good for yourself and others. My girls and I are grateful to have crossed your path and have benefited greatly from the things you have given of yourself.

SoulZEN is a hidden gem that I feel everyone should experience at least once. It is enlightening to say the least. Making a vision board has helped me so much too. I look at it every day and am happy to report that Hailey has hers up on her wall above her desk. I know that it will serve her well to use it as a tool to guide her toward her dreams.

I am so happy to know that you are living authentically and living your dream, Suzie. It is a rare thing to have found ones calling. I have no doubt you have found yours. Thank you for all you do.

Yours sincerely as always, Tammi and the girls.


MUA <3



Dear God,

Where will you have me go?

What will you have me do?

What will you have me say?

And to Whom?

~ Lessons From A Course In Miracles

unplug meditation west hollywood, Avery Whitmore

suze yalof schwartz founder of unplug meditation, suzie sandoval, west hollywood

“ecstatic breathwork” scott schwenk, suzie sandoval, unplug meditation west hollywood

“Biofield breathwork” nicholas pratley, suzie sandoval, unplug meditation west hollywood

Apathy, Hedonism, NARCISSISM, celebrity Culture


I'm the creator, curator, and facilitator of Soul ZEN.

My gifts are derived from transforming the tragedies I endured from surviving a traumatic, multi-abusive childhood. These experiences created internal turmoil no one could relieve me of but myself and higher conscious guidance.

My extrasensory abilities allow me to tune into the guidance of the divine spirit to eliminate mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual conflicts.

My self-awareness and daily conscious intention practices embolden me to eradicate inner suffering and toxic energy that deplete me and deprive me of my vitality.

It is an honor to guide my clients in their journeys of self-healing into wholeness.

I have worked with several suicidal mindset clients to successfully teach them how to reprogram their memories of origin.

My story begins by entering into this world in an unsafe, terrifying home filled with domestic violence, alcoholism, infidelity, drug abuse, narcissism, and mental, emotional, and psychological abuse.

In addition to this, I was sexually abused by two men at 5 years old; one of them threatened my life, and the other one I experienced my very first orgasm with. Read further: My Sexual Healing & Transformation Journey

These circumstances are the source of my passion for being of service to healing the soul of human suffering, cultivating deep conscious heart and soul connections, and how I utilize my intuitive, extrasensory abilities to accomplish this.

I suffered from self-hatred, a suicidal mindset, and severe depression for most of my life. I kept all of this hidden inside of me for years not realizing how damaging these secrets were to my spirit, health, relationships, and well-being.

Traditional methodologies for healing left me feeling even more confused, broken, isolated, and suicidal.

It wasn't until my mid-20s that Co-dependents Anonymous, spirituality, and alternative healing methodologies were introduced into my life.

By my early 30's, after being a few seconds from taking my own life I had a divine intervention, an epiphany that had my black cat named Lulu (after I Love Lucy) save my life.

Shortly thereafter a friend recommended to me that I seek a therapist.

I had worked with numerous therapists over the years constantly feeling misunderstood and leaving sessions in either the same misery or worse.

Being in a state of such despair, pain, and grief literally my world turned to black and white and was colorless. This really terrified me so I begrudgingly took the steps to seek out a new therapist.

Thanks to William Temple House in Portland, Oregon, I began working with a ZEN therapist, Caroline Sabi, on a weekly basis for four years consecutively. She became the greatest blessing and catalyst for my ultimate "Healing Into Wholeness" transformation from the inside out.

She taught me the importance of creative visualization, active listening, how to hold loving and compassionate space for the trauma and pain that was arising, reiki, and new alternative healing modalities such as neurolinguistic programming with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

Since then, I've been blessed to work with a wide array of holistic wellness experts, alternative medicine and energy healers, spiritual teachers, meditation guides, shamans, light-workers, intuitives, and mystics who have contributed to the tapestry of healing modalities I’m now able to provide my clients with.

With extensive ancestral and past life karma clearing, inner child work, deep shadow (dark night of the soul) and light work, heart (grief and pain) healing, being a student and teacher of A Course In Miracles since 2012, and ZEN Mastery Training, I provide invaluable, teachable wisdom and healing modalities ranging from setting healthy boundaries, clearing out limited mindsets, belief systems, addictive behaviors, toxic relationship patterns, and negative energy that we may be consciously or subconsciously holding onto.

With a suicidal mindset since my early teens and 4 - near death experiences in this life; these experiences shifted my perspective on dying and living.

I’m able to connect with my Soul’s ZEN (inner presence, light beingness, and wholeness), communicate with divine spirits, and co-create a conscious and minimalist, freeing lifestyle that lights me up from the inside out. My energy is revived and my self-deprecating tendencies are replaced with compassionate exquisite self-love.

It is a daily commitment and practice honoring my honest, imperfectly perfect, authentic self, communicating my truth, and committed to practicing living in divine integrity. It truly brings me joy and passion on purpose to be here now to support you in your spiritual awakening and ascension process of Healing into Wholeness.

"I'm still in the process of working with Suzie, but after four sessions I can say that what I like about her is that she's very honest, easy to talk to, personable, intuitive and very creative! She's helped me see things from different angles and helped me identify self-sabotage patterns that I created unknowingly. I have suffered from physical and emotional trauma and I didn't feel safe for a long time. Suzie helped me bring more awareness to my body and to the thinking mind and there, I've appreciated her creativity to find different ways to navigate my feelings, be more present, and work on not resisting and suppressing myself. I can say Suzie helped catalyze my healing journey towards feeling more filled with divine energy and love and being better equipped with healthier ways of coping than ones influenced by past traumas such as suppressing, resisting, and avoiding. Thank you Suzie." ~ Farouk

ben decker, suzie sandoval miracle meditation teachers, a course in miracles community

“In zazen, you create the conditions for your mind to “decompress” from its habitual mode of thinking and open up to new perspectives and insight.”
~ Benjamin W. Decker, Practical Meditation

“Allow the Spirit to work through you as you journal.”
― Benjamin W. Decker, Meditations on Christ: A 5-Minute Guided Journal for Christians

HeiroglYphs of the human soul 3D art tour with Leigh McCloskey and lucid dreaming with sebastian siegel #jungians #archetypes #tarot #storytelling #compassionatelove #betrayal #abandonment #vengence #autismawareness #hedonism #narcissism #epicsenseofhumormatters #forgiveness

#ArtHouse #SacredLand #jungians #AncientLibrary #3D #ArtTours #consequencesoflust #salvationfromshame #herosjourney #Luciddreammastery #soulzensuzie #The7freedoms #The8thFreedom #akashicrecords

marianne williamson & suzie sandoval, miracles community, saban theatre beverly hills

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~ Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"



suzie sandoval, linda moxley, Welcome Home Girlfriend, WEst Linn, oregon


“You too can transform tragic, hopeless, devastating circumstances,

and insurmountable challenges,

into a blessed and miraculous life filled with compassionate love,

acceptance, inner peace, harmony, and joy.

Be grateful for the REAL Angels in our lives. ~ Loving you, Love me




Your Host: Suzie Sandoval, Transformational Soul Healer

My Guest: Debbie Denova, Transformational Health + Fitness Coach

  • Intro

  • 2:37 What inspired you to take care of your health?

  • 9:02 What are the correlations you have noticed between mental health and nutrition?

  • 14:15 How do you stay motivated and consistent with exercising?

  • 15:29 As a trainer, how do you know when people are working out on autopilot versus being embodied in the healing aspects?

  • 18:58 Exploring what makes you feel expansive and come to life with movement.

  • 19:45 Ecstatic experiences of embodiment

  • 21:31 Tips for liberating ourselves in our bodies

  • 23:23 The cautions of being conditioned by society’s standard of beauty

  • 25:06 Loving your body especially if you are healing from sexual trauma. Are you motivated on a path of self-loathing or self-loving?

  • 27:34 Closing: What do you wish more people would really get?


REDEFINING SUCCESS: Let’s Talk Feminine Wisdom And The Power Of The Womb

Your Host: Suzie Sandoval, Sacred Intimacy Practitioner

My Guest: Shara Raqs, Co-Founder of Womb (Women Of Mindful Business)

  • Intro

  • 2:51 Redefining Success

  • 6:07 Ancient Civilizations

  • 8:48 Experiencing Time Differently

  • 11:50 Practical Tips

  • 16:08 The Birth Of Something

  • 19:15 Feminine Power

  • 20:31 The Womb Rhythm Weaver

  • 22:31 Closing


“I’ve lived over 300 lives in just this one.”

“Nothing is more daring than being true to our Souls.

Truth or Dare?”


~ Suzie, Soul Journey Of A Super Empath

“A Divine Feminine Woman cannot be authentically imitated. Many will try but they will fail. Her bloodline, her ancestors, her soul’s blueprint, and her destiny can never be superficially replicated.”

~ Laura Grant

“Love Rising” Evolving Out Loud Event With Kyle Cease (2018), THE Dolby Theatre, Hollywood, CA

“Love Rising” Evolving Out Loud Event With Kyle Cease, Dolby Theatre, Hollywood California Home Of The Oscars


Shortly after meeting Dorothy Pincus (singer) I had the divine opportunity to audition and join the Agape International Choir

I felt like I was in a Tyler Perry Movie