SIMPLY BREATHE and relax your mind (imagination), calm your heart (intuition), feel into your gut (instinct) to soothe your entire nervous system. This will allow you to naturally embody Inner Peace.

Inner Peace brings receptivity to insights, epiphanies, healing, and miracles.

HARMONIOUS SPACES are created with 7-Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls and Koshi Earth Element Chimes. 


  • Click Here To Listen To Breath of Light Sample (3 - min)

  • Click Here Sound Healing For Ultra Relaxation (25 - min)

  • Click Here Sound Healing For Forgiveness (2 - min)

  1. Awaken Your Chakras And Amplify Your Intuitive Abilities

    Honestly, I had never believed in the power of sound healing and meditation before. I used to think that meditation wasn't for me because I could never "quiet my mind" - until starting Soundbath Sundays with Suzie. After my first Chakra Soundbath, I could literally feel the difference it made in my body, and I fell in love. Being immersed in beautiful sound makes meditation easier for me as I'm able to relax deeper - instead of getting lost in the clutter of my mind, I become lost in the sound, and it's an amazing feeling! It is truly indescribable, but I can see colors and visions during these meditations, and I can feel the energy moving within me.” ~ Britt

  2. Heal Grief, Trauma, & Addictive Relationships

    “I experienced a deep release of emotion connected with a very traumatic event from my past. In today’s sound bath with Suzie, my ongoing healing was taken to the very cells and atoms of my body and to my heart and mind.” ~ Catherine

    “I felt the presence of God for the first time in my life.” ~ Sexual Abuse Survivor

  3. Tune Into Your ZEN: Inner Presence, Divine Alignment, Wholeness

    “I lost my Mom a year ago and I haven’t been able to see her because of covid when she passed and so it’s been weighing heavy on me. When we were guided into the rainbow and up in the sky with the stars, I embraced the sounds and felt really good and sparkly. Then I turned to my Mom and sent her off with the rainbow. I needed to do that. Thank you” ~ Rose



The Sound Healing you created for us was absolutely perfect. So beautiful and personal. I can't tell you enough how much it meant to us. My mom and I listened to it the morning of the anniversary and it helped us through the whole day. We definitely felt him close to us. We both shed tears during points and had smiles and felt so much love. Honestly, all I can say is it was perfect. We will definitely be listening to it more often. I would recommend to anyone to do this for their grief. You are an amazing, beautiful soul! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” ~ Kara


“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”

~ Albert Einstein

  • Calm your nervous system

  • Recalibrate your immune system

  • Purify your lungs

  • Improve your sleep patterns

  • Stimulate your blood circulation

  • Revitalize your mind, body, and spirit

  • Release oxytocin, the hormone of happiness

  • Harness your 7 - Chakra Powers

“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system”

~ Hazrat Inayat Khan

  • Open your heart and soften your body with ease, safety, and grace

  • Learn emotional intimacy healing and breathing techniques for facing intense fear, anxiety, life pressures, trauma triggers, mental distress, unexpected emotional grief, and strong feelings; calm your nervous system quickly

“Sound is the medicine of the future”

~ Edgar Cayce

  • Become more patient, compassionate, forgiving, and accepting of yourself and others

  • Practice slowing down, stilling your mind, and detaching from negative thinking while reprogramming with positive subconscious thoughts, images, and visualizations

  • Release deeply suppressed emotions on cellular levels that are causing pains and dis-ease in your heart, mind, body, and spirit

  • Let go of inner (mental, emotional, spiritual) clutter for good


“Honestly, I had never believed in the power of sound healing and meditation before. I used to think that meditation wasn't for me because I could never "quiet my mind" - until starting Soundbath Sundays.

After my first Chakra Soundbath, I could literally feel the difference it made in my body, and I fell in love. Being immersed in beautiful sound makes meditation easier for me as I'm able to relax deeper - instead of getting lost in the clutter of my mind, I become lost in the sound, and it's an amazing feeling! It is truly indescribable, but I can see colors and visions during these meditations, and I can feel the energy moving within me. After every session, we ground ourselves with food, have fun raffles, and connect on a heart level with one another. I also love learning about each chakra every week and collecting associated oracle cards. It has become such a sacred, special time for me!

After having a few sound bath sessions with Suzie, I started one-on-one weekly SoulZEN Sessions as well. Personally, I am going through a very traumatic time in my life and Suzie has been there with me every step of the way, and I am so grateful to have met her during this time. She is compassionate, patient, safe, but also no-nonsense in our sessions together. She has given me loving and practical advice, breathing exercises, and affirmations to apply to my life which has helped to change my mindset, alleviate anxiety, and also guide me on my spiritual path.

I have tried many years of "traditional" or "conventional" therapies to manage chronic anxiety, but I never really found it helpful for me and I thought I would have anxiety forever. However, Suzie's approach on reprogramming the subconscious mind and creating new thought patterns has been so effective for me in the few months I've started talking with Suzie, I have so much hope and I'm focused on creating a beautiful life despite having trauma.

Suzie has powerful insights and a special intuitive gift that has truly transformed me and changed my life. I am so grateful for these sessions because I finally found someone who listens deeply and who genuinely cares. Thank you, Miss Suzie!!!” ~ Britt

“I lost my Mom a year ago and I haven’t been able to see her because of covid when she passed and so it’s been weighing heavy on me. When we were guided into the rainbow and up in the sky with the stars, I embraced the sounds and felt really good and sparkly. Then I turned to my Mom and sent her off with the rainbow. I needed to do that. Thank you” ~ Rose

“I experienced a deep release of emotion connected with a very traumatic event from my past. In today’s sound bath with Suzie, my ongoing healing was taken to the very cells and atoms of my body and to my heart and mind.” ~ Catherine



Suzie’s teaching style is heartfelt, nurturing, and empowering. She guides you into deeply meditative, soulful journeys filled with ultra-relaxation for self-healing.

Her vibrant energy and purposeful intentions create enlightening experiences.


“Our bodies become lighter, our minds sharper, and our spirits lifted. When we undergo healing, we are more equipped to empower others to self-heal since we have been through the process. We can speak from places of love, wisdom, compassion and light more fully instead of just places of trauma and despair.” ~ Inspired by Mayowa Sanusi Research