An Epic Leap Of Faith: My Hero's Journey Begins
/What happens when you let go of 99% of your belongings to follow your heart and allow your Bucket List dreams to come true?
November 30, 2016
Hi Miraculous Soul,
My name is Suzie ; also known as The Sound Healing Alchemist and Founder of OrganiZEN® and...
I AM The Ultimate OrganiZEN® client and teacher of these methodologies.
Yes, I am just as much of a student of this transformational healing work as my clients are.
After living in Portland Oregon for 25 years and reaching my tipping point of heartbreak, burnout, feeling suicidal, and experiencing a spiritual mid-life crisis, I was ready to move.
When you feel like you have nothing to lose you have everything to gain.
I was ready to move but was uninspired by any particular location. I’m highly inspired by life so it was a confusing time and circumstance. I lost everything I loved, cashed out my dwindling retirement savings, and pretty much said, “Fuck it. God, I fucked up my life I give it to you.”
Maui first popped in my mind to move to but island life felt too small for my big dreams and adventurous spirit. Then I visited Asheville, North Carolina, and Boulder, Colorado it was apparent these were not going to be places where life supported me settling down.
Through convos with dear friends I had met up with I became inspired to live out a bucket list dream of mine to road trip across the United States with the intention of seeking out a new home and place to establish my business.
I am open to experiencing the free spirit, soul-nourishing, spontaneously simple and thrilling, adventurous aspects of myself to come alive.
PhotoGraphy by sUzie
My daily morning mantra is, "Dear God, where will you have me go, what will you have me do, what will you have me say, and to whom?" (One of my Student Of A Course In Miracles Practices..)
I've surrendered my life completely to be in service to God, Earth and Humanity, and to learn more about why I'm here on this planet and what really matters to me.
A spiritual journey to discover new truths about what life, true divine love, home, family, success, and healing relationships mean to me. This is a completely new experience for me to live this free and face my fears to new levels in life.
Yahoo, yowza, yowza, yippee kayae, boom chicka, laka, chicka laka, chicka boom, boom….AWESOMENESS!!!
As I sit here in my nearly empty studio tonight, nestled in the majestic beauty of the West Hills in Portland, Oregon, right down the street from my best friend backroad Skyline Blvd., I look around and feel free, light, inspired and good with the remaining belongings I've chosen to best serve me in life, and most importantly my new lifestyle change endeavors. I've reduced my entire life belongings to what will fit into my car.
PhotoGraphy by sUzie
Two weeks before my big move and road trip across the US, my car broke down. I was devastated. Buying a new car was not my first choice and it took me high levels of unbearable stress to work through and incredible fear I had to face on my own, but it's what ended up being the aligned choice that met my needs that I didn't even know I had. Meet “Angel” also known as “Falcor” (Never-ending Story inspired) my brand new Fiat 500X. I've never owned a new car before.
I’m feeling extra sentimental tonight, not only because it’s the holiday season and I’m moving out of Portland after living here for 25 years but also because I’m about to take a huge leap of faith in my life into the depths of the unknown; I'm learning how to follow my intuition, my heart, my angels, divine guidance and I'm allowing my dreams to come true!
PhotoGraphy by sUzie
I’ve reduced 99% of my belongings (I went paperless a few years ago which makes for easier travel and mobility) to answer this calling and make a bucket list dream come true.
PhotoGraphy by sUzie
I could not have reached this epic point in my life without my friends, and the connections and resources available via the internet and social media. I love Oregon and I am grateful to have loving friends. It's never easy to let go of what you love. I will think of Portland whenever it rains, wherever I go, as I will always embrace, appreciate and love rainy days.
I’m calling my road trip journey, "My Date With Destiny". Yes, it is inspired by Tony Robbins. I'll be experiencing dates with myself in new ways inspired by Julia Cameron’s book, “The Artist Way”.
Tomorrow, December 1st, 2016, I'm moving out of Portland officially, with no final destination yet determined. My home IS where my heart takes me. I’ll be heading down to the San Francisco Bay Area where I grew up, visiting friends and getting grounded back into my roots.
I’ll also be providing my services (virtually and in-person) all along the way. Stay connected and inspired on Instagram, and Youtube as I take you along with me bringing the magic of OrganiZEN® to you all across the US!
Blessings & Miracles,
~ Suzie Sandoval, A Student & Teacher Of A Course In Miracles
My 240 square foot Studio nestled up in the west hills in Portland, Oregon. I loved living in this location, centrally located - perfecto for an all-over town commuter like myself - and walking distance to the beautiful International Rose Garden, Washington Park, the Zoo, the light rail Max station, and NW 23rd and downtown are minutes away. Including access to amenities like a pool, hot tub, fitness center, sauna, and awesome hiking trails and walking paths steps from my front door. It's crazy to move from but I'm ready to really listen and honor my Soul journey's true callings!
Today, I look out my window and I see the weather here is covering us with gray foggy clouds with drizzling rain, rainbow trees, and lush greenery all around.
For my Date With Destiny road trip across the US. I've been getting lots of questions about my downsizing process so I thought I'd share my progress. Here's what I'm down to and it still feels like too much. I just can't bring myself to let go my scarves, mittens and hats. One bag is designated for my accessories! Ha, ha! It's crazy but 240sq ft of stuff felt like too much. I can't believe how many things I've let go and donated.
It's really fascinating to really see what I actually need in life.
~ Suzie Sandoval, A Student & Teacher Of A Course In Miracles
Share Your Story. Dream Out Loud.
Laguna Beach Called Me Home In February 2017
* Video of Treasure Island
Finally, in January 2021 I manifested my dream home in Laguna Beach after living in West Hollywood for a year and 3 years of living a nomadic lifestyle…and then everything fell through the day I was going to move into my studio and settle into a new life.
I temporarily moved back to Portland for 43 days feeling like a complete failure. I slept most of the time my soul was exhausted.
And then…I brought myself back to SoCal where I knew my home and dreams were awaiting me once again because SHAZAM that is who I am…A divine miracle who was on my hero’s journey home!
And now…I have at least 2-3 books to write and a future TedX talk, to share valuable wisdom, lessons, and experiences to inspire your journey to discovering your destiny and divine true love.
In the meantime may you be blessed with this divine wisdom…
“The world is a canvas for your imagination.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” ~ Christ Consciousness
“Where Divine Love is Inspired Miracles Happen” ~ Suzie