#1 VISION FREEDOM: Creating Compelling, High Potential Future Outcomes
/“When you have a passion and a clear vision for your purpose in life, it becomes simpler to free yourself of clutter and let go of things you thought you once needed.”
~ Healing With Suzie
Do you have a clear and compelling vision for your future? If not, you may have Vision Clutter.
Chakra Attunement: Heart, Third Eye, Crown
Activating Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Envisioning Future Destiny Potentials, Prophesizing
At a very early age, a negative belief was implanted in my identity and took me nearly two and a half decades to let it go. It was a belief that continued to create negative circumstances in my life with the illusion that I was powerless to make positive changes to transform my circumstances. (Click here to listen to my, "Finding My ZEN" story via Toastmaster Talk.)
Growing up, I experienced a multi-abusive childhood where I often found myself wishing deeply that I could change my circumstances. I felt alone and I didn't know how to turn my negative circumstances around.
To escape the chaos I developed a big imagination. I didn’t realize at the time that this practice would later set the foundation for developing my visionary and clairvoyant abilities that would allow me to experience unbelievable opportunities and circumstances in my life.
I was raised as an only child and spent most of my time around adults. Often times being around adults I'd be steered into practical thinking, the compliant way of living and being a good girl. This pleased the adults and authoritative figures in my life when I listened. This practicality mentality was continually ingrained thereafter.
By junior high school, my perfectionism would show up in art classes. I grew to not like my own creations and this became a reinforcement of practicality, rather than spending time exploring my creative imagination and nurturing my artistic abilities.
Believing in practicality over imagining supported a level of conformity, scarcity, and survival tactics for living. I had bought into the belief that dreamers are unrealistic, irresponsible, and unreliable.
By the time I graduated from high school, I like many others, felt pressured with a big life long decision, "what I was going to do with my life?"
I was Clueless!
As I grew into adulthood my focus was to find a job I could make into a sustainable and successful career only to check that big endeavor off the list and move on to other aspects of life I wanted to accomplish.
By my early 20’s I began experiencing success. At 25, I was managing Multi-Million Dollar Residential Community Assets and was promoted to be part of an Amazingly Collaborative Corporate Training Team for a Nationwide Reputable Luxury Residential Real Estate Company. I was responsible for over 125 employees in 4 Western State Regions. I bought my condo at 25 and had a multi-award winning career. Feeling Accomplished Feels So Good…Voilà.
Despite climbing up the ladder of success early on and reaching great heights in my career and life, I wasn’t happy and I couldn’t figure out why. Everything looked good on the outside, it was confusing.
This led to a spiritual (quarter-life) crisis where I found myself re-evaluating my life, my self, my past, present, and future.
Though I didn’t know it at the time this crisis had become a catalyst for re-connecting with my inner gifts, imagination, and visionary abilities.
By my early 30’s I began working with a ZEN Therapist, Caroline Sabi for four years on a weekly basis. "Healing Into Wholeness" is the name of her business.
She guided me through transformational work with visualizations, meditations, reiki and energy healing modalities.
I began to notice my mind expanding in new ways. I enjoyed allowing myself to freely imagine from an inner space. I was imagining beyond my practical mind and it was making me feel better the more I practiced over time.
Most importantly, I was reconnecting with my creative, artistic, feminine imaginative mind and realizing how powerful visualization is and how peaceful, assuring, and calmly confident I felt afterwards.
As I was diving deeper into imagining potential realities in my relationships and my life I felt liberated, with an inner freedom allowing me to manifest destiny living from my heart space.
I learned that exercising our visual minds with imagination, dreaming, meditation, and visualization practices actually harnesses our powers from the inside out. Taking inspiring actions following this divine guidance is the co-creative process for birthing new manifestations. This is key to transforming negative circumstances and freeing ourselves from what is no longer serving us.
"If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable,
you disconnect yourself from what you truly need, and all that is left is a compromise."
- Robert Fritz
Blocked connection with an image, belief, or idea of a desired future.
Blocked inspiration, passion, or a sense of purpose for a desired future.
Blockages are formed by hidden and suppressed thoughts, beliefs, and emotions such as shame, not enough-ness, grief, anger, fear, worry, anxiety, sadness, and depression.
Vision clutter is a form of a creative expression block. People who experience vision clutter are living in a survival mentality, an imprisonment of limited thinking and beliefs, people pleasers, leaders and people who conform to society norms and worldly wisdom, while being disconnected or out of alignment with one's heart, soul, intuition, and integrity.
This triggers separation, an illusion that distracts one's attention from that which they need most. It is what makes us feel "insane - same actions, same circumstances" or "stuck on the hamster wheel" and don't know how to get off.
Often times there is an imbalance of thinking. The left brain is overactive and the right brain inactive. A person experiences over thinking and is disconnected from their heart space. When this happens, vision clutter is prevalent in our minds and manifests in our physical everyday spaces.
Causes an inability to make decisions and take inspired action with clarity, courage, and confidence.
Arises when we are constantly ‘doing’ things out of obligation rather than inspiration “in spirit”.
Disconnects us from our unmet core needs, mental clarity, and our intuitive decision making abilities.
You need to free yourself from the mind clutter and find your Vision Freedom by exercising your visionary ability, your big imagination muscles.
Here are the biggest challenges I see my clients face when it comes to clearing their visionary clutter.
1. Having an open mind. Taking time to clear their mind of distractions and being open to imaginative thinking beyond what is considered realistic, then feel that feeling in the body in the present moment fully.
In our modern age, we are overstimulated with technology, noise, temptations, and materialistic things. It becomes difficult to slow down and be present to cultivate an internal and external environment to support silence, quietness, and nourishment.
2. Carving out time to imagine. Too often, when we are in survival mentality it seems silly to imagine. It feels unproductive, so we don't do it. This is detrimental to cultivating a creative imagination, to think 'outside of the box', and go beyond logic.
3. Staying focused on what matters. We spend more time focusing on what we don’t want to happen and less time imagining ideal or even outlandish outcomes. When you catch yourself thinking or saying something negative about a future outcome, challenge yourself to think of something outlandishly imaginative instead. Have fun playing with your thoughts. Too often we attach to our thoughts too soon or question or reject our thoughts. We forget that we hold the power to agree or disagree with our thoughts at any time.
When difficult circumstances arise we become challenged to greater levels to balance our thoughts with an open mind. When stress, pressure, worry, anxiety, and fear creep in, the distractions sabotage our ability to think clearly and the negative focus begins to manifest the very circumstances that we are wanting to avoid.
Be Mindful With Reflective Questions
Can you think of a challenging circumstance that you are working through currently or has recently arisen?
Can you imagine an ideal outcome to this circumstance?
Now can you go bigger with this ideal outcome?
Can you now go absurdly bigger with this outcome?
Can you let go of needing an immediate result from this experience?
Notice how you feel imagining this outcome as if the outcome is happening right now.
"Vision without action is just a dream, action without vision just passes the time, and vision with action can change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela