/When we are deeply rooted in who we are,
we become the master of consciously co-creating of our lives.
Suzie SanDoval at the International rose garden, portland, oregOn
Our very own breath and voice are naturally attuned to self-healing. It is for us to relax into our breath of flow and allow our voice to soothe us. The power of our breath is the most overlooked and undervalued function we all have as human beings. Only through experience, will you acquire the wisdom, insight, and transformation to best be able to value, appreciate, and understand for yourself.
“Meditation keeps me in check when I’m being loving and when I am not. What brings peace and what exasperates chaos, conflict, confusion and clutter. Meditation consistently provides me with Yoda Style Wisdom, Epiphanies and Aha-Moments.
A recent pattern I realized in myself that is no longer serving me is…I don’t have to bring anger into my experience when I disagree with argumentative people. We can’t make peace with people who are not at peace with themselves. No one can take away the PEACE we cultivate within ourselves.
The state of well being we experience at the beginning and end of our day directly correlates to how we engage with what happens in between.”
~ Suzie, Miracles Meditation Teacher, Trauma Healers, & Cycle Breakers
A Student of A Course In Miracles Since 2011
“It is inner stillness that will save and transform the world.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
“Our environments impact our wellbeing and our relationships affect our health.”
~ Healing With Suzie
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that spaces is our power to choose our response. In our response exists our growth and freedom."
~ Victor E. Frankl
Focusing on our thoughts empowers us to choose which thoughts will calm our minds in ways that relax our bodies. This allows us to feel peaceful and receptive to the presence of divine love. This is a healing space that is safe, nurturing, spacious.
A peaceful state of being is our most profoundly powerful and productive way of living harmoniously from the inside out.
From this state of mindfulness we are empowered to make simple to significant decisions that can produce high potential future outcomes in our lives.
Do you value living a high potential life as your optimized self?
Consider this…
Decisions made from a stressful state of being
= more stressful future outcomes.
Decisions made from a PEACEFUL state of being
= more PEACEFUL future outcomes.
"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
~ Etty Hillesum
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.”
~ Carolyn Myss
By simply breathing consciously and consistently, we can create a solid foundation of Inner Peace with ourselves and others.
SPACE FREEDOM: Functional Sustainability For Harmonious Living
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM: The Path To Authentic Self Discovery, Passion And Purpose
PEOPLE FREEDOM: Cultivating Honest, Joyful, Healing Relationships