#3 SPACE FREEDOM: Functional Sustainability For Harmonious Living
/"It's human nature to take the easy route and leap at storage methods that promise quick and convenient ways to remove visible clutter. Putting things away creates the illusion that the clutter problem has been solved. But sooner or later, all the storage units are full, and the room once again overflows with things."
~ Marie Kondo, Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, Spark Joy
Do you feel good, function and flow in your everyday surroundings?
Learn how to create epic, mindful spaces for a harmonious well-being.
1. FEEL GOOD: How do you feel in your space right now?
We need to feel good in our spaces to be able to function and flow. Rarely do we stop and stand still in our spaces to ask ourselves these mindful questions. Be honest with yourself.
Often times, I'd have my clients stand in the entrance of their space and look around. When I'd ask them this question they'd become emotional as they'd be seeing the truth of their space for the first time.
This is extremely essential to the ClutterFREEDOM process because in order to make new changes we need to raise our awareness of how we currently see and feel in our spaces. If we are not feeling good in our spaces then we can identify how we intend to feel in our spaces moving forward. Being mindfully and intentional in our spaces is key to sustainability.
This is the time to take 7 breaths and breath the intentions you aspire to feel by creating a new mindful space.
Learn how to ZENergize your space with intention, energy. and visual color cues to help you set a new intention for your space
2. FUNCTION: What works and what isn’t working?
Now that you are feeling good in your space you can look at what needs to be functional to support your intentions. This is the time to assess and write down all the opportunities and challenges of your space. Get everything out of your head and onto a pad of paper. From here you can begin to prioritize your list to get things back in function.
3. FLOW: Do you feel ease in your space?
You are feeling good and functioning well, now you have set up yourself up to flow in your space.
Flow is an effortless state of ease. Systems are set in place, inefficiencies are streamlined and you can focus on being your best self in your space.
Physical Clutter.
What is physical clutter? According to an etymology dictionary, the word clutter originated around the 1400’s and means “to clot, collect in heaps and to litter" and is a source of stagnation.
Physical clutter is the visual manifestation of prolonged indecision and is a reflection of our inner life, self awareness and psyche.
Initially, when I began working with clients the focus was centered on diving straight into decluttering and organizing physical needs such as sorting, categorizing and containerizing belongings. I continued to witness clients get the results they wanted - a perfectly organized space - but not experiencing the results they needed to sustain their newly organized spaces.
I learned over the first few years of working with clients how essential it is to not dive into decluttering as the first step if you want to eliminate clutter for good.
Quick results do not mean lasting solutions.
Too often clutter becomes so painful for people to face alone that they can't bare much longer to live with it. Everyone wants the clutter to go away instantly.
For some people, it's simple to let go of things. And for one in four adults who suffer from clutter it is a much deeper rooted cry for healing and help that goes beyond the surface of their clutter.
Begin creating new mindful spaces in your everyday life, starting now.
NOW, you have an opportunity to create entirely new mindful spaces in your life that are clutterfree and simple to sustain.
What is essential is that you:
focus on being open minded to what you are about to learn.
trust your process with patience and self compassion.
prioritize what really matters to you.
embrace the challenges that present themselves.
be intentional around how you choose to experience your spaces
Awe-Inspiring Results
You are best equipped to sustain clutterfree spaces, if you are highly involved in the decluttering and organizing process, as you will learn valuable personal and life lessons from your clutter and gain newfound awareness as to how and why clutter was accumulating in your life.
Your spaces are the places you create your future from. It's time to be more mindful so you can create more ways your future self will thank you for.
Often times, when we repurpose belongings in ways that make us feel good, we begin to experience letting go that leaves a positive lasting impression. This makes us feel more confident in trusting our letting go process.
These holistic-decluttering practices have catalyzed major shifts in how OrganiZEN®methodologies have been taught over the years to clients, and now it brings me great joy and honor to share with you new sustainable, simple solutions to support your ultimate success in life and journey in achieving ClutterFREEDOM™.
People who...
are highly busy people who don't prioritize their time to get organized.
never learned or were modeled sustainable organizing skills.
are experiencing high levels of responsibility and success.
are experiencing a life transition (change in relationship status, career, retirement, moving, new baby, etc.)
are organized but life happened and became overwhelming.
tune out their clutter so it becomes invisible.
are shopaholics and excessive consumers.
don't value being organized.
feel like organization doesn't come naturally.
feel like they can't let go.
are passive and indecisive.
lose things constantly.
experience grief, trauma and shame.
Clutter is a catalyst for positive change. There is no guessing what's blocking you in specific aspects of your life, with physical clutter you can visually see it. We can use this to our advantage! Take a moment and access where clutter accumulates in your everyday spaces?
HOME represents your own soul and self. It is the space to shelter you with safety, security, basic needs and values. Specific rooms in the house indicate specific aspects of your psyche.
OFFICES represents freedom, status, accomplishments, your place in the world, aspirations, success, leadership, finances, authority, self expression.
BEDROOMS represents companionship and love; the relationship with yourself, your romantic partner, family and loved ones. It is a private, safe, spiritual sanctuary to reflect upon Inner thoughts and personal and hidden sides of your inner self.
KITCHENS represent transformation, need for spiritual and emotional nourishment, healing, change, cook up new things, creating plates full of love, sharing laughter and joy in the heart of the home.
BATHROOMS represent self-care, body, mind, spirit cleansing, purification, self renewal, emotional relief, eliminating waste, washing away negative thoughts, ideas and habits, and emotional relief.
LIVING ROOMS represent the image you portray to others, indicative of your freedom and space, your public persona.
ENTRANCES are the guardians of the house. The first impression to represent your heart and values.
CLOSETS represent hideouts, protection, veil, secrets, confidentiality, and intimacy.
WINDOWS let light in, knowledge, understanding, opportunity, clear view of outside world, openness.
WALLS provide strength, protection, division, barrier, boundaries, containers, privacy.
BASEMENTS brings up hidden subconscious energies, linked to first and second chakras, a foundation of your home’s health and energy.
As you reflect on this symbolism of your clutter, think about what area(s) of your life you want to elevate and which space correlates to this aspect of your life.
For example:
Office: If you are ready to advance your career, decluttering your office will provide clarity and newfound opportunities for you.
Kitchen: If you are ready to feel grounded back into your heart and your home, you've got to look at the space that supports your spiritual and emotional nourishment.
Bedroom: If you are ready to attract a romantic relationship or enhance your current partnership, and connect deeper with yourself, clearing clutter in your bedroom will release old baggage to allow for new partnership energy to come in.
Closet: If you are ready to boost your inner confidence and enhance your self image, then you'll want to organize your wardrobe closet. Create a space to express your authentic personality and attract what you need most in life.
On the surface everything looks neat and orderly. But the clutter is hidden behind closed doors, cupboards and drawers. You are someone who cares about outside appearances and what other people think. Your clutter message is allowing you to discover the real you that's hidden beneath the outside perfectionism.
Papers and things are piled everywhere and take over your spaces. Often times this can result in stagnant energy and high levels of dust particles. Your clutter message indicates you focus your thoughts heavily on the past. You may be suffering from great loss and experiencing deep levels of grief. Beneath your procrastination is newfound courage to face your fears and begin living in the now.
You are creative and when you are in your flow, things might look messy to an outsider. However, this chaos inspires new ideas and creativity for you. You are free to be as chaotic as you'd like when you are expressing your creativity. Your clutter message indicates you may have difficulty staying focused and following through on what matters. When you need to be focused and productive this is the time to create a clutterfree workspace.
You are on strike from dealing with the clutter. You're tired of being on this never ending clutter cycle. You own your mess but are ready to bring function and flow into your space. Your clutter message is that you have all within you to get your life spaces back in order. You don't need to be alone in your process. Reaching out for help is a great opportunity for you to gain a fresh new perspective while receiving the help you've been needing to move forward.
You are exhausted, frustrated and don't know how to deal with your disaster. You may feel hopeless, you've tried everything you could possibly think of to avoid disaster from happening. Chances are you are pretty skeptical at this point that it is even possible for you to experience a clutterfree space. Rest assured, impossible translates to, "I'm possible". This is your clutter message letting you know, however deeply shameful you maybe feeling about the clutter in your life, the greater the reward is on the other side for you. Just like Rebel messiness, you opportunity is to reach out for help. You give so much to others in your world, it's time to receive one of the greatest gifts ever by allowing someone the joy of helping you find your ClutterFREEDOM™.
Treat your belongings with respect. Your belongings are here to serve you.
Here is a simple 3 step ZEN Organizing practice to apply to prior to diving into decluttering. The intention is to let go for good with peace, this requires mindfulness. When you are able to implement this practice consistently, you will create a positive experience of letting go. This experience will boost your confidence in making future decluttering decisions.
As you build your decision making muscles, you will accelerate your ability to let go of massive amounts of clutter for good with peace and ease. The most time consuming aspect of decluttering happens in your mind. Clearing your space becomes quite simple once you have a compelling vision for why you are creating a new mindful space.
1. Create a compelling vision for a new mindful space. If you are going to invest your time, energy and money into getting organized it's important you know the benefits you will receive from your efforts. Choose one space you are inspired to declutter, let's begin by making a list of the benefits and and your core needs from this space.
For example: I need to feel like I can breathe in this space. I need to feel calm, peaceful and productive here without distractions. By decluttering my closet I am going to feel amazing starting my day choosing from a wardrobe where everything fits, is easy to find and I feel fabulous in! I'll save over 30 minutes of time getting ready in the morning now!
2. Understand how your clutter has served you up until now. It is important to first recognize that when you touch an object to check in with yourself to determine if it brings joy to you, does it evoke a positive or negative feeling within you? It takes being present to check in with yourself. If there is a negative feeling, this is a sign the object has a message for you. Once you receive this message you'll be able to better decide if it is essential in serving you.
Seek to understand the message your clutter has for you. Clutter typically reflects people's shame in deep ways. If you can give yourself permission to let go of the shame and better understand why you were holding onto something, it could be a very special enlightening moment for you, that could shift your experience with clutter forever.
Clutter always has a positive message for you.
Here are some common messages I've received and have seen my clients receive:
Clutter teaches us:
how to set better boundaries for ourselves.
how to build inner confidence by developing strong intuitive, heart centered, decision making abilities.
truths we may not want to admit to ourselves, like it's time to let go of the past.
how to take care of what matters most to us.
who we truly are when we remove what no longer serves us.
where we have been blocked so we can make positive new changes.
3. Thank your clutter. Even if you don't fully understand why your clutter is serving you as long as you've made an effort to listen and observe your clutter you are aligned on your path. Take a present moment and look and acknowledge your clutter and say, "I thank you for serving me up until now." Practice this prior to any decluttering. Often times when you thank you clutter it reveals it's message to you because you are in a present state to receive it.
There is a great lack of understanding and compassion for people who suffer from physical clutter, especially sentimental clutter. Healing takes time, and letting go of clutter is part of the healing process. Decluttering is not about getting rid of things, it's focusing on embracing what you love, and surrounding yourself with people, places and things that lift you up and bring flow and joy into your life. When it comes to sentimental clutter, it's important that you are patient with your process, and continue to practice self compassion for any painful memories or feelings that arise.
Here are some recommendations to help you choose what to embrace.
1. When it comes to sentimental clutter, I'd recommend treasure hunting for special and meaningful belongings that spark your heart with love, joy and positive memories. If you touch something that triggers deep emotions then refer to the 3 ZEN Steps for letting go of clutter and seek to better understand your clutter healing message.
2. Before decluttering it's essential you create a basic sorting system. This make the decluttering and decision making process 100% more efficient.
Create a "I don't know yet" sorting category. You won't always know for certain if you are ready to let it go of an object. By giving yourself an "I don't know yet" sorting category, you can place a date on the bin and store it for 3 - 6 months. You can then re-evaluate your belongings at a later date with a fresh new perspective.
Make your process simple by letting go of what you know you are ready to let go of. Remember, you are building new decision making muscles throughout your decluttering process. This is a self empowering exercise that provides you with confidence and clarity so when you re-visit an object in the future you'll be better equipped to feel good about your decision.
3. Share your story. Nearly 90% of the time a client is able to share a story about their sentimental clutter, they are able to let it go for good with peace. They begin to realize they don't need the physical item to embrace a person, experience or memory because it's always in their heart.
Your pain and suffering of trying to eliminate clutter for good in your life is why I'm sharing this wisdom with you.
The most common heart-compelling, frustrations people tell me often are,
"I don't have time."
"I don't know where to get started."
" I don't know what to do."
" I tried in the past but it didn't sustain."
"I'm fed up with this clutter, I don't want to deal with it anymore."
It's important to know if you are setting yourself up for sustainable success rather than a quick fix, temporary solution. The clutter did not accumulate overnight. Most of the time consuming decluttering actually takes place in your mind first. Once you have shifted into new mindsets it's makes for a much simpler, quicker and efficient process of knowing what no longer serves you. Take a moment to understand the difference.
Sustainable Organizing Solutions (Everlasting)
An intentional and inspiring, creative process.
Develop new mindsets, lasting habits and skills.
Create mindful spaces feel good, function and flow.
Temporary Organizing Solutions (Don't Last)
Works well as bandaid solutions.
Looks good on the surface.
It keeps you stuck in the clutter cycle.
This is a 2 - sided wallet card I carry in my wallet and give to my clients. This front side of the card is my new gift to you. Allow yourself to begin asking yourself mindful questions to begin developing a new mindset for letting go of clutter for good. Print this out and place in your wallet or keep handy.
Are You Ready To Be Inspired By New Possibilities?
These blessings and wisdom in this blog are intended to be an inspirational and educational resource to embolden you to let go of your clutter for good by creating mindful spaces in business, at home, and in life, at all levels of intuitive organizational needs.
When it comes to clearing your physical clutter - so you can reclaim freedom back into your life - as you are reading this blog, notice what resonates most with you. Focus on the positive changes you are ready to experience.
Clutter and disorganization are overwhelming enough so be sure to focus on small changes done consistently so you can eliminate all sources of stress, disorganization, and clutter for good in your life.