#4 MENTAL FREEDOM: How To Organize Your Brilliance

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"Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, You words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny."

~ Mahatma Gandhi


Organizing Your Brilliance

  • Can you cultivate inner peace and emotional stability despite chaos, fear, pressure and stress all around?

  • Learn how to create inner spaciousness with mindfulness practices to experience a peaceful well-being.


Do you make Life Altering Decisions primarily from your head, heart, gut, groin?

  • Do you know how many unconscious choices we make in a day?

  • Can you shift from your “thinking mind” (Left Brain Logic) to your imaginary, intuitive, envisioning mind?

Expressing our thoughts, rather than holding them in, allows us the ability to internally process the stimulation we are engaging with.

Expressing thoughts, emotions, and narratives playing out in our everyday lives and relationships allows us to better understand ourselves. We have opportunities to raise self-awareness from whole new perspectives when we think about they ways we have become a product of our upbringing. As we Redefine Success we take time to observe how the world we live in shapes who we are becoming. Within meditative, inner life spaces, we are able to witness what’s happening inside our mental universe, our heart space, our bellies and our pain bodies.

This form of mental output tends to be egoic when sourced from the thinking mind rather than the divine visionary mind and intuitive heart. This alignment as Joseph Campbell taught, “The Longest Journey You Will Ever Take…From Your Head To Your Heart.”

Our Hero’s Journey is what creates connection and belonging with people who relate to our unique forms of grief, trauma, addictions, spiritualit’s, humanness, creative expressions, and vibes…vibes beyond superficial appearances, rather a recognition of resonance.

Carving out time for mindfulness is key to accessing our highest future potential possibilities, aka Aligning With Our Divine Destiny. Living from our highest potentials is not a passive experience.

"There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t." ~John Green

"What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation." ~ Glenn Close


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  • A collection of thoughts (floating energy, like clouds) inside of our minds.

  • A cluster of energy that constricts mental higher consciousness intelligence and imaginative abilities

  • A distraction from knowing the truth

  • Obscures our ability to see life circumstances from a higher conscious perspective.


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People who... 

  • are creative and messy.

  • are over thinkers, people pleasers, perfectionists, and highly analytical.

  • have high levels of pressure, stress, and responsibilities from a wound of unworthiness

  • lack a daily meditation practice.

  • are surrounded by superficial people, places, and things.

  • are physically inactive.

  • are incessently busy and find it difficult to slow down.

  • are unable to express their thoughts out loud in some way (keeps real self hidden inside).

  • experience dis-ease symptoms in their minds (headaches, migraines, disillusionment, escapism, distractions, temptations, etc.)


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To answer this question we must take a close look at what we are feeding our minds on a daily basis.

  • What are you feeding your mind that contributes to your distractions, indecision, stress, anxiety, worry, overwhelm, burnout, headaches, and migraines?





1. Think of things that stimulate your mind (with energy and thoughts) such as: 

  • Nature

  • Sounds

  • Smells

  • Stimulating Visualizations

  • Books

  • Movies

  • Magazines

  • Conversations

  • Being exposed to the energy of our technology (cell phones, printers & digital anything)

  • Absorbing Online Content

  • Absorbing Negative Energy Unknowingly

  • Social Media Relationships

  • Entertainment

  • News

  • Music

  • TV Shows

Do you check in with your thoughts after you've spent time on activities such as being in nature, expressing creativity, engaging on social media, watching the news, or listening to music?

Begin to notice if your thoughts tend to be more negatively or positively focused after a particular activity or being around a particular person, community, or environment. Pay attention to your mood as well. These are Mental Freedom Alignment Cues.

PRO - TIP It took me some time to form this new mindfulness practice yet I began asking myself, "what is my intention or need that I'm intending to get met?”

For example, when I identified my need for Inner Peace, Sacred Intimacy, and Healing Relationships is shifted who I spend time, support & share energy with & what environments benefit my well being.

Take a moment to asses your core needs in your life right now.

2. How do you spend your time digesting the content being absorbed in your mind?

Being incessantly busy provides a false sense of self importance.

It can be extremely challenging, painful, overwhelming, and a stressful experience for my client’s to slow down and actually be with themselves, their Creator, and digest to realities of life.

When we are incessantly busy we tend to be (highly) reactive rather than proactive in life. Being busy helps avoid the mental clutter temporarily due to distractions, avoidance and compartmentalization but over time busyness turns into burnout, isolation, depression, anxiety, and misery.

Can you think of a time you were listening to someone talk at you but not with you?

They talked and talked and talked but it seemed like they were talking just to talk?

How about a time where you were sharing something vulnerable and thought someone was listening but they interrupted you or failed to engage with common listening skills?

People with high amounts of mental clutter tend to ramble and focus on unimportant things in conversation. They miss opportunities to intuitively connect with the people in their lives because they are so focused and consumed by themselves, their image, what other people are thinking about them, that their thoughts become a heart protecting barrier to real love.

3. How do you spend your time expressing your thoughts?

  • Music

  • Writing

  • Painting

  • Singing

  • Dancing

  • Poetry

  • Meaningful Conversations

  • Other

Are you someone who stifles your thoughts, anger, rage or honesty to fit into the norms? This stems from unhealed trauma that prevents you from speaking up from a solid ground of sovereignty. It can be an incredibly vulnerable experience to express our honest emotional truths and unique perspectives on life with people who are deeply listening, present, thoughtful and aware of what you are experiencing and expressing in the moment.

Too often my clients hide their true thoughts deep inside our themselves, in secrecy, which prevents them and others from getting to know who they truly. Joy Blockers, distract, disrupt, destroy the sacred intimacy we all crave beneath the surface.

What is one or more ways you'd like to begin expressing your thoughts creatively?

PRO TIP: Be sure to block time in your schedule to prioritize time to express, witness, listen and feel into the narratives of your thoughts.


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“Abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into.”

~ Wayne Dyer

Too often we attach to thoughts that aren't true. Scarcity (fear-based) thoughts are a massive distraction that costs us time and sabotages a healthy well being.

Not to be mistaken that these thoughts won't arise, it's what we chose to focus our attention on that determines if we are giving our power to scarcity or abundant mindsets. Why is this important? Well, if you want to shift from living in a survival mentality (imprisonment of the matrix) to living with an abundant mentality New Earth) your actions come from your way of thinking. 

Now, if you shift into letting go of understanding "how" things are going to happen and focus on cultivating an abundant mindset along with faith and trust you will begin to allow things to happen in your life that are aligned with your unique vibes, Soul Contract, Spiritual Assignments, and Soul Lessons. You will be creating new future outcomes for your life. Choose to believe and seek to understand, there is a higher force of divine favor always supporting you in your life journey regardless of how your circumstances might seem.

Refer to this list to assess whether you are attaching to abundant or scarcity/survival mentalities.





























  • WAR



PRO-TIP When you are experiencing scarcity mindsets, ask yourself...

  • What is this circumstance teaching me that supports my growth?

  • What is the best outcome that could result from this circumstance?

  • How is this circumstance showing me what I'm thankful for in my life?


“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”

~ Tony Robbins

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Are your environments providing you with visual cues that spark your abundant mindset? The physical clutter in our environments is an outward reflection of our inner subconscious thoughts. Our spaces are either subconsciously supporting mental freedom or sabotaging it.

For example,

  • When you open up your closet, are you receiving visual cues that tell you how beautiful or handsome you are?

  • When you enter your kitchen, does it tell you, "I am here to provide you with healthy choices at your fingertips that you will need today."

  • When you step into your office do you see things that make you feel successful and accomplished?

Visual Cues allow us to replace unconscious impulses with conscious messages. Integrating visual cues in our physical spaces allows us to stay focused on what really matters.

The people, places, and things we surround ourselves with affect our mental well being. For every thing in a space assign a minute to it. On some level, if it is not serving you, it is taking up time in your physical or mental space whether you realize it or not.

  • Are you constantly around people who are negative thinkers and unhappy who lack self-awareness?

  • Do you consider yourself to be a people pleaser highly influenced by other people's thoughts and opinions?

  • Are the things in your home sending you negative disempowering messages?

We'll cover People Freedom in a future blog but everything we surround ourselves with influences our mental freedom. Taking the time to assess the people, places, and things in your life that are negative and sabotaging your peace of mind is vital to developing abundance mindsets.

Who and what do you need to detox from your life to support your positive mental well being?


Create a habit of actively listening to yourself express your thoughts.

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Years ago, I reached self improvement burnout. Feeling unworthy most of my life and not good enough for others, led to years of devoting myself to transformational self improvement methods, programs, workshops, and yada, yada, yada.

One night I was fed up with journaling, I didn't want to do it. Yet I needed to express my thoughts to connect with my inner wisdom. It was late at night there was no one to call, it was me, myself, my thoughts, and I. 

Finally, a new idea presented itself. I decided to make a video diary for myself. I began to record from my cell phone videos of thoughts from some of my happiest and darkest times. Because I knew I was making these videos for myself only and I could watch them and delete them whenever I wanted, I felt safe to express my thoughts unfiltered and judgement free. Radical Honesty Practices!

Making these video diaries allowed me to  express and observe my thoughts and ideas without trying to impress anyone or try to get anyone's approval; even on subconscious levels I would be unaware of. I was able to allow myself to be in a space of vulnerability and speak my truth and listen from my heart, soul, God and Angelic Realm perspective’s. When I listened and watched myself I was able to hold compassionate space for my inner child.

We aren't taught in life how to cultivate an empowering best friend relationship with ourselves. It's always about cultivating a relationship with others. Yet, creating a loving relationship is the foundation to how we will consciously and unconsciously treat our loved ones and people in our lives.

To this day, when I need clarity I’ll record a video or audio diary, then watch and listen, to help me process my thoughts and listen to my inner wise voice amongst the mental clutter.

Years later, I was working with a client who was suffering from life burnout and excessive mental clutter. She was working 60+ hours a week, spent little time with her spouse and family, lost touch with her friends and her self.

Her mind would whizz at such a fast pace, whenever I would first encounter her it would be an overwhelming experience. Her work environment was incredibly chaotic and she had an extremely difficult time slowing down and tuning into a peaceful well being.

Often times in private sessions together she would share her frustrations and challenges with her high stress work life and lack of work life harmony. As we assessed her work flow, habits and mindsets it was clear to see the patterns that were sabotaging her inner calmness, focus, concentration and productivity. Yet when we would talk about the self defeating patterns and observations her mind was filled with clutter and distractions it was difficult for her to focus and concentrate in conversation for very long. This made it extremely difficult for her to hear herself and be aware of her sabotaging, scarcity mindsets that were perpetuating her work life insanity. Most problematically, her mental clutter blocked her ability to tune into intuitive wisdom and guidance.

I remember my inner voice saying, "If she could just hear herself with awareness, she'd realize how she is contributing to this."

It was then I recommended a new 7-day challenge for her to begin clearing her mental clutter and cultivate a new mental freedom practice. I gave her a choice to record either video or audio diaries daily for 7 - days consecutively.

Upon committing to this 7 - day challenge it was visibly noticeable to see my client’s face lighter and brighter as she expressed new levels of awareness as her mindsets were shifting.

She expressed how she struggled to get motivated but over time her fears she faced transformed into unshakable faith and confidence. She said that she felt like she discovered a new way for her to unwind and unload her mind. 

One of the insights she shared with me was how grateful she was to have a simple self-healing, companionship tool that could connect her with her inner wisdom and higher conscious self!


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PRO TIP: Record yourself on audio or video fully expressing the thoughts occurring in your mind (for no one else to see or hear). Once you’ve finished expressing yourself, listen or watch your recording. Delete afterwards. This is a phenomenal practice for letting go of mental clutter, enjoying self-companionship and cultivating mental clarity.

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